Month of Sundays? I’ve painted a year’s worth

Simon Nixon.Simon Nixon.
Simon Nixon.
Sunday might be the day of rest for some, but not for theatre bar manager and artist Simon Nixon.

Simon created a different painting every Sunday for a year and the end result – an exhibition entitled ‘Sunday Painter’, is currently on show in the gallery at The Dukes in Lancaster.

Simon’s project ran from March 2013 to March 2014. His first painting was of Heysham Power Station and the pictures which followed included familiar local landscapes and landmarks as well as still life.

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He said: “As I reflect on the experience and the times I had to dash to the studio late at night or early in the morning just to get something down, to an extent I’m relieved it’s over!”

He thinks the paintings reveal something about himself and the mood he was in when he produced them.

The exhibition also includes three large self-portraits which Simon produced when he was a Fine Arts degree student at Coventry University in 1991.

Simon has been a practising artist for more than 20 years. After graduating from Coventry he completed his masters degree in fine art at Lancaster University.