A LEVEL RESULTS: Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School

QEGS A levels L-R Nathan Mann, Kurt Heaven and David Parmenter.QEGS A levels L-R Nathan Mann, Kurt Heaven and David Parmenter.
QEGS A levels L-R Nathan Mann, Kurt Heaven and David Parmenter.
The A level results at QEGS Blackburn have been much as expected this year with the majority of students on target to gain their first choice university after the school posted a 100% pass rate.

Kurt Heaven, who achieved 2A*s and an A, is going on to study Economics at UCL, while fellow Sixth formers Nathan Mann and David Parmenter both gained 3 A grades. Nathan hopes to study aerospace engineering at Bristol, and David, Dentistry at Newcastle.

Headmaster, Mr Simon Corns commented, “Once again we have seen our students put in the hard work, encouraged by our excellent staff, and achieve the grades that they deserve. They now have the chance to go on to university and repeat the success of so many of our former pupils.”

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The A*-B rate of 63% shows that nearly two thirds of the cohort gained the top three grades. Good news for the vast majority in terms of university applications. These results, once again, show that QEGS is the place to study A levels that will get you into the best universities or into quality employment.

Here are all the A level results for Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School.

Four Passes

K Heaven

Three Passes

B Barnes, J Bate, L Brew, K Buckingham, R Buckley, H Bury, G Butler, S Buttar, D Chan, N Dalal, C Dootson, J Dwyer, T Evans, E Hargreaves, T Ismail, A Khan, N Mann, K Morris, S Namaji, L Ormerod, D Parmenter, U Patel, H Qureshi, S Sheikh, B Souter, T Storey, E Watts

Two Passes

N Cooper, K Gaffing, S James