Care home slammed by inspectors for third time

Marsh House Care Home, Ulnes WaltonMarsh House Care Home, Ulnes Walton
Marsh House Care Home, Ulnes Walton
A care home told twice to make key improvements has been rated as inadequate in its third inspection.

Marsh House in Ulnes Walton Lane, Ulnes Walton, remains in special measures - and at risk of closure - after Care Quality Commisision officials failed to be impressed by changes since their last visit in February. Problems were first flagged at a review in 2014.

Although a new manager has been put in place and improvements were noted, including in acting on complaints and reporting safeguarding incidents, a raft of serious concerns were also noted.

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The report states: “Little in the way of improvements was found with respect to; managing medication safely, staff performance management, staff training, management of people’s risks from harm and risks of abuse and ill treatment, management of risks of infection and contamination, governance and quality assurance systems.”

It claims residents waited up to one hour to use the toilet, people had been left on a commode for 45 minutes, and one member of staff disposed of material used to clean faeces in the kitchen bin.

It also noted emergency evacuation plans had not been completed and the home was “extremely hot” - with temperatures of 27 degrees Celcius recorded.

Owner Mark Gilbert said he is condifient of moving out of special measures.

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He said: “We have made a good start to improvements, but things take time”.

He said a key problem was recruiting staff, hindered by the semi-rural location, but this had now been addressed and the home was now fully staffed, with training being carried out.

Families have been made aware of the situation and no residents have left the home.

Management have also pointed out that the home met all standards in a recent Lancashire County Council inspection, apart from staffing and training, which they claim is as a result of a documentation problem by the previous owner, and has now been rectified.