Drunk thief returned to shop three times

Daniel RossDaniel Ross
Daniel Ross
A bungling shoplifter who went back to the same shop three times and tormented a security guard has been sent to a young offender's institute for 12 weeks.

Daniel Ross mounted a tirade of abuse as he repeatedly tried to steal lager and Irn Bru-flavoured WKDs, after a boozy afternoon with friends, Preston Magistrates’ Court heard.

During his visits to the Tesco Express store on Blackpool Road, Preston, he hurled lager at worker Andrew Foster, whom he must pay £75 compensation to.

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Ross, 19, of Greenthorn Crescent, Ribbleton, Preston, later admitted theft and threatening behaviour.

Prosecuting, Tracy Yates said: “Mr Foster called police at 10.30pm after he had been subjected, over the course of a few hours, to abuse from this defendant.

“On the first occasion he was holding a crate of lager. Mr Foster told him to put it down. He said he proceeded to throw the lager at him.”

Ross swore at the guard, saying he would “sort him out” if he followed him.

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Soon afterwards, he spotted Ross again, trying to steal bottles of WKD. As he reached the entrance Ross started pushing him back, and challenged him to a fight.

On a third attempt Ross swore at him, called him an “idiot” and told him he would “knock him out”.

Deputy District Judge David Scanlon told him it was “disgusting, despicable behaviour”.

Defending, Asif Khan said: “He believes his drink may have been spiked.”