Paralysed crash victim David Easom launches civil proceedings against the friend who failed to help him after life changing accident

Dave EasomDave Easom
Dave Easom
A man who will never walk unaided agian after suffering serious spinal injuries in a road accident is taking further action against a former friend who drive him away from the scene and failed to get medical attention for him.

Longridge man David Easom, 24, who will never walk unaided again, has launched civil court proceedings against Jack Gornall, who was jailed on Thursday for five years for perjury and causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

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Longridge driver Jack Gornall, who left friend in a wheelchair after fleeing cra...

Today his solicitor, Jerard Knott, Head of Catastrophic Injury at Curtis Solicitors Limited, said: “David is disappointed that the actions of the defendant and other members of the community, who he has known for a number of years, caused or contributed to a complete life changing injury.

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Dave EasomDave Easom
Dave Easom

“David appreciates that for the defendant and his family the outcome is devastating as well, but also feels for Miss Swinburn, the Audi driver, who is the often forgotten second victim of this crime.

“ David will, though, now always have to live with the effects of the crime.

“He will not walk unaided again, he has lost his independence, will need 24 hour care support for the rest of his life and will not achieve his life goals.

“He will be supported by his family and legal team but his life is irreparably changed."

He added: “ David wishes to thank the police, CPS and their counsel for their work in this prosecution.

“There are however never any winners when serious injury is caused.”