Preston rogue trader who lied about 'urgent work' on woman's home admits charges

Crown CourtCrown Court
Crown Court
A rogue trader told a Preston woman she needed urgent work to her home or her brick work would “crush and smash her windows”.

Jason Myers, of Plungington Road, Preston, has pleaded guilty to a string of nine unfair trading and fraud offences.

His firm Deck Tech, of which he is the sole director, admitted two linked charges.

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On February 19 last year he described the need for work to window lintels at a home on Greenbank Street, Preston, as “urgent” - even though the work was later found to be unnecessary.

The court heard he told the resident they were “failing” and would lead to “brick work crushing and smashing the windows underneath”.

He admits using an aggressive practice in relation to the incident.

He also arranged work to fit a skylight and replace lintels, between January to March 2018, but failed to notify the homeowner her rights to cancel the contract, and provided a fake business address.

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Between November 6 and 23, 2017, he engaged in an unfair commercial practice when making contracts with a Preston woman by omitting information about her right to cancel the contract.

He had agreed garden work and the replacement of a fence and gate.

He also admits fraud by false representation by saying he would replace her gate and supply and chiminea for £695.

On another occasion, Myers admits engaging in unfair commercial practice with a Manchester woman in December 2017 by omitting information about her rights to cancel work, and again providing a fake address on her invoice.

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The case comes almost a year to the day that he was jailed for 24 weeks in St Helens, Merseyside, for similar trading offences.

Myers is being prosecuted by Lancashire Trading Standards on this occasion.

Judge Nicholas Barker ordered a pre sentence report to be prepared.

Myers is now expected to be sentenced on November 15.
