Readers anger at 'soft' sentence' for woman who live-streamed herself BITING her pet cat

An image of Angela Roe BITING her own pet catAn image of Angela Roe BITING her own pet cat
An image of Angela Roe BITING her own pet cat
A Preston woman live streamed a sickening video of her pet cat screaming in agony as she bit and rough handled the suffering animal.

Misty, a black and grey feline, was tragically found dead at Angela Roe's Ribbleton home by police after the incident - screened on Twitter's live-streaming video app Periscope - was reported by a sickened friend.

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Preston woman live streamed sickening video as she bit her pet cat at a Preston ...

She was shouting, calling the cat a 'pyscho' and suggesting she should 'not bite the hand that feeds'.

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The woman then saw Roe bite the distressed cat's ear, causing her to scream in pain.

But readers on our Facebook page were angered by the sentenced handed out to Roe, who has mental health problems. She will serve a 12 week suspended prison sentenced, meaning she will only be jailed if she breaking the law in the next 12 months. She was also banned from keeping animals.

Readers, however, were united in their condemnation.

So the 12 week jail sentence is suspended for 12 months due to her mental health and alcohol issues, yet she's obviously deemed fit and well enough to remain at home in the community Who exactly is going to reinforce this life long ban on keeping animals? Amy Walsh

I remember the video I won't swallow anyone's mental health when it comes to animal welfare. Ange Gray

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And the likes of this walk amongst us? No wonder the UK is a laughing stock. Elaine Kyle

If there was only her in the flat who else could of killed it poor cat? Carole McCarthy

Everyone needs to know what we have loose in our community and the fact that mental health is acknowledged but harming and killing pets with no remorse surely has to have her taken out from society? Pets are still not safe near her.... what’s her next target? Lisa Chadwick

This has literally broke me how anyone can do this to an animal. Hazel Galloway

Can't read it. It'll upset me too much. Ange Kane