Holly's Daffodil Doddle for Young Epilepsy

Holly Banks with her supporters during the 2.2k race at Abbey Village for Young EpilepsyHolly Banks with her supporters during the 2.2k race at Abbey Village for Young Epilepsy
Holly Banks with her supporters during the 2.2k race at Abbey Village for Young Epilepsy
A young girl's drive to support her cousin has sparked a major fund-raising mission.

When Holly Banks saw how her one-year-old cousin Ruby Higson was badly affected by epilepsy, she was determined to do something to help.The eight-year-old took part in the Daffodil Doddle at Abbey Village, a 2.2k junior fun run, raising more than £500 for Young Epilepsy charity.Her mum, Kelly Worden, of Ribbleton, said: “When Holly saw that Ruby’s mum, Tania, was doing fund-raising she asked me why and she wanted to do something to help her cousin.“She didn’t like the idea that she was poorly and wanted to help raise funds for the charity.“Holly quite likes running and she goes to a running club at St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School. Her aunty had been taking her out on practice races.“Holly has raised £549.50. She had £480 in sponsors then £69.50 from the money raised at her school bake sale in honour of her race.“She was very excited about doing her race and is already planning doing another to raise more money. This has sparked something inside her and she wants to continue helping others with her races.“I could not be prouder of my daughter and I know her family and friends share my pride.”Holly said: “I wanted to help my cousin because she is poorly. I like running, so this was a great way to help her.”To make a donation to Holly’s fund-raising visit http://www.gofundme.com/hollys-22k-run-for-young-epilepsy