Mitchie's appeal touches heart of the Longridge community

Mitchie, 3, pictured with his four-year-old sister Zoe.Mitchie, 3, pictured with his four-year-old sister Zoe.
Mitchie, 3, pictured with his four-year-old sister Zoe.
'˜Miles for Mitchie' - the cancer campaign set up when a three-year-old Longridge boy was diagnosed with a brain tumour - has nearly reached £6,000.

The parents of Mitchell Brown, who is known as Mitchie, received the devastating news in January and started fund raising for Cancer Research UK to help find a cure, initially expecting to raise hundreds of pounds.

Family and friends together with staff at nursery-pre-school Little People at the Limes, attended by Mitchie, immediately started organising events.

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Last week 58 children and 19 staff from the Limes carried out a sponsored toddle waddle around Longridge, giving the campaign a major boost.

As the large contingency made its their way around town they also called on shops and businesses, collecting funds.

Everyone gave generously, says Nic McIvor, a room leader at the nursery, who has become a co-ordinator for campaign fundraising.

They also picked up fundraising buckets which had previously been left at licensed premises.

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She said: “We were amazed how supportive they all were. Also children took sponsorship forms home and some have raised more than £160 and when we got back we had a big cake sale.”

The campaign is touching the hearts of people in all corners of the community.

Some of the events planned for forthcoming months include a 50-mile walk from Windermere to Longridge; a group including Mitchie’s mum Tyrer taking part in the Great North Swim on Windermere; a 140-mile coast to coast bike ride including Mitchie’s dad Tony; family fun days at town pubs; fashion show at Longridge CE Primary School; cake sale at Barnacre Road Primary School; book sales at the Co-op and much more.

“We are just amazed at how many people have wanted to get involved and help and raise money. It is a great big team thing now....there is lots and lots going on,” said Nic, adding they wished to say “a massive thank you” to everyone who has helped in any way, be it through donating, sponsorship or baking cakes.

Anyone wishing to learn more about the campaign is asked to look for the Facebook page ‘Miles for Mitchie’.

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