New seats to come to Chorley Little Theatre following £20k fundraiser

Volunteer Ian Robinson launched the £20,000 fundraising drive for new seating at Chorley Little TheatreVolunteer Ian Robinson launched the £20,000 fundraising drive for new seating at Chorley Little Theatre
Volunteer Ian Robinson launched the £20,000 fundraising drive for new seating at Chorley Little Theatre
Why did Chorley Little Theatre launch a fundraising drive for new seating?

The playhouse currently has 238 seats filling its auditorium but these are decades old so the theatre, which is manned by volunteers, launched a campaign to raise £20,000 to replace them with brand new ones.

Volunteers at the playhouse want to take out the current seats before they fall apart.

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They say the new seating will be more comfortable and will mean more leg room for theatre goers.

How much did the crowdfunder raise?

Over 200 people donated money to the cause and collectively they managed to raise £21,221, smashing the theatre’s £20k target in just 49 days.

When will the new seats go in?

Chorley Little Theatre will be close for the duration of August while the old seats are ripped out and replaced with the new ones.

There will we a new layout for the auditorium so that it can hold almost the same number of seats as before - 230. It means the theatre will lose one aisle. There will also be new flooring.

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What was the reaction of volunteers at the theatre when they saw they had raised their target?

Thanking those who dug deep in their pockets Ian Robinson said: “It’s fantastic, it shows how many people like the theatre and use it.

“It’s put an extra spring in our step.”

What will the playhouse open with in September?

There is a tight turnaround for the revamp.

The new seating needs to be in place in time for CADOS’ production of the play The Rise and Fall of Little Voice next season.

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