Readers' letters - July 18

Bamber Bridge team in action   the man behind Bamber Bridge FC, John Gerald Lawson, was awarded  posthumously recentlyBamber Bridge team in action   the man behind Bamber Bridge FC, John Gerald Lawson, was awarded  posthumously recently
Bamber Bridge team in action  the man behind Bamber Bridge FC, John Gerald Lawson, was awarded posthumously recently
Gerry deserved his award

Along with family members, the Secretary of Bamber Bridge Football Club and a long-time friend and fan of BBFC, I was fortunate to attend the South Ribble Sports awards 2016 ceremony at the Best Western Leyland Hotel on Friday, June 24. My uncle, John Gerald Lawson, known to many as Gerry or Mr Bamber Bridge (FC), was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Sport in South Ribble. This award was accepted in his memory by his daughters Susan, Jacqueline and Catherine, and one of his grandaughters, Lisa, as unfortunately he passed away on June 12. His funeral was on the Wednesday before the awards evening, so it was an emotional week for all.

Years ago, Gerry Lawson, along with John Hargreaves, Mick Taylor, Chris Banks, players, volunteers and committee members, had a dream.

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Gerry ran a tuck shop where he worked. They collected waste paper and cans and raised money until they had enough to secure a deposit to obtain a mortgage to buy land known as Iron Gate Farm – and BBFC was born.

Gerry played for several local teams in his youth, managed the second team, worked tirelessly at the ground, collected and helped with the lottery and also helped develop the social side of the club and much more. A 500-seater stand was named the Gerry Lawson stand in his honour when it was first built.

Two of his daughters are also involved with BBFC, as they and his grandchildren have spent lots of time there shadowing him.

Because of the circumstances, he knew a week before he passed away he had won this award and we will always remember the look on his face when we told him.

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To win an award in the area you have lived, worked and played all your life came at the right time for him. He was a modest, quiet, humble family and football man.

The attendance at his funeral showed the respect and esteem people had for him.

This awards evening was full of people like him, children, parents, grandparents, volunteers, all encouraging, promoting sport through clubs and schools and working tirelessly in South Ribble for the benefit of all.

I felt privileged to have been part of this evening, Gerry’s family accepted the award at the end, and after the video display, there was a standing ovation.

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Tom Watson received the runner-up prize. Both of them knew each other and have worked tirelessly for grassroots football. Their reward was to see the teams play, win and move up the league, nothing more. It was a lovely evening thanks to Pennine Events SRBC and the sponsors. Without them, it wouldn’t have been possible.

A lesson for the England team – dedication, enthusiasm, playing to win, teamwork and being a good sport goes a long way.

Gerry Lawson, September 14, 1929 - June 12, 2016.

Deborah Noblett, Leyland

Tidy up city centre gardens

I would like to comment through your paper about the state of the garden space in the town centre . I was in Preston city centre on Wednesday morning, walking along the Ring Road from Friargate towards the Corn Exchange building. The garden space on the left was a disgrace. It was overgrown with weeds and thistles, the garden space outside the Corn Exchange building is also in the same sorry state.

I know there have been cutbacks but then you see the work that has been carried out on Fishergate and the proposed spending on Winckley Square.

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I sure something could have been done with these gardens. They are in a part of the city centre seen by shoppers and visitors.

What a terrible sight we are presenting to these people. I also know for a fact that Preston Council has in previous years won prizes for their garden designs. Please can something be done to tidy up these spaces and make the area look presentable.

One very upset rate payer

S Carter via email

Letter was too good to be true

I wish to use this letters page to warn of a scam letter that has been doing the rounds in Wales, the North East, and now in Lancashire.

The letter, which my mother-in-law received, claimed to be from the People’s Postcode Lottery and told her she had won £325,000.

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All she needed to do was phone an 0207 London number to claim her prize.

Her suspicions were raised as she had not entered any such lottery and when she raised the subject with me I did some checks.

The scam letter looks fairly authentic and has various logos at the bottom and could fool people as there is a genuine People’s Post Code.

But when I googled the 0207 telephone number, it appeared on a website listing various scam numbers.

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If anyone receives these types of letters, always tell others about it and seek advice. And if it sounds too good to be true, it invariably is too good to be true.

Julie Jeffries via email

Delighted with school’s success

I was delighted to read about the outstanding progress Leyland St Mary’s High School has made over such a short period of time.

Congratulations are in order to all the school’s staff, students and connections in achieving such a good OFSTED.

It shows what can be achieved by a group of professionals working hard to ensure their pupils get the best education in the best environment.

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It also shows that the journey the school started with Miss McNicholas was the correct one and she should share some of the credit for this outcome.

Just a shame the report did not gain as prominent a position in the paper as all the negative features regarding the school’s difficult times. Still, bad news sells papers I suppose.

DJR, Preston

I was a fan of Peter’s writings

I was sorry to read of the departure of Peter Richardson. His column was informative, interesting and witty and I wish him a very happy retirement.

Caroline Morris, Southport