Readers' letters - June 17

The boss of Sports Direct was called to give evidence about issues regarding the treatment of workers. See letterThe boss of Sports Direct was called to give evidence about issues regarding the treatment of workers. See letter
The boss of Sports Direct was called to give evidence about issues regarding the treatment of workers. See letter
Need to focus on root cause

Amid public furore, Mike Ashley, the boss of Sports Direct, was called to give evidence before a Parliamentary Select Committee concerning issues over the company’s treatment of workers.

Yet, what single characteristic of Mr Ashley’s management style and behaviour toward his company’s employees differentiates him from every other similar CEO?

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Sports Direct’s business model with its use of, according to his own evidence, an 80 per cent hours contract workforce and ‘a workplace culture of fear’ is believed to be the universal benchmark across the logistics/warehousing sector as a whole.

Kudos to the UNITE Union for spearheading a long campaign.

But the trades union movement on the whole has, alas, not effectively engaged with the spreading cancer of zero hours agency contracts, nor with certain business practices.

What needs to be addressed and focused on is the cause of such heinous, inhumane, and demeaning conditions of employment being allowed to exist and take shape in the first place.

Louis Kasatkin,address supplied

Priorities are totally wrong

I agree with Hortense in their letter regarding double standards (LEP Letters, June 11). I have written various letters regarding the flagrant disregard to local laws in Preston.

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The local council needs to get a backbone when it comes to enforcement, regardless of political correctness. If you commit a crime, you should be prepared to face the consequences.

The shisha cafe fiasco continues. I am appalled that the local council says the legislation doesn’t exist. Absolute rubbish!

Anti- smoking laws are extremely clear. Whether you have a pipe attached or not, it is still smoking.

Of course, Preston council will no doubt have more important things to do like appointing fly-tipping wardens to cash in on all the fines imposed on fly-tippers, which we will be presented with when the brown bin charges come into force.

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The removal of dog litter bins on country walks really doesn’t need any explanation as to the stupidity of our local council.

Responsible Fulwood resident

Inhumane policy at supermarket

Upon the recent bank holiday, my elderly mother’s pharmacy failed to deliver the blister pack containing medication for her blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol and depression.

I phoned the mental health team regarding her depression and they said the only pharmacies open on a bank holiday would be the supermarket ones.

I phoned one and was told they would supply the four tablets my mother required but it would cost £20, £5 per tablet. I complained that they were putting money before my mother’s health but they said it was their policy.

Their policy is inhumane and needs to be changed.

Hortense Feuchtwarger, Preston

Are libraries out of date?

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Am I the only person to think libraries are outdated? Do libraries keep up with ALL the authors? Of course not, they can’t afford to. Research? Where would you find a better aid than Google? Access to the internet for those without a computer? If you haven’t got a computer or smartphone, you obviously have no interest in the internet. Of course, libraries can be nipped into for warmth if you’re homeless. However, there are funded shelters for that.

Libraries are usually large old buildings, expensive to operate and staff, and situated in prime development locations. How about diverting funding to a more worthy cause that will make a difference to people, such as care services?

Fifty Something, St Annes

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