Readers' letters - March 29

A reader comments on council tax billsA reader comments on council tax bills
A reader comments on council tax bills
Individual cases not taken into account

I have every sympathy with Michael Jaques falling foul of new council tax policies (‘My fixer-up house fell foul of council tax rules’, LP March 26).

My household suffered similar problems when these type of changes were introduced five years ago.

He is, at best, the victim of unintended consequences.

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These policies make no provision for individual circumstances.

That these policies are often rubber-stamped without proper scrutiny was brought home to me when I contacted individual councillors concerning my then problem.

Only three out of 10 contacted, responded.

None of these even knew the policy they had presumably signed up for.

The one brilliant exception was the now ex-councillor, Elizabeth Atkins.

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She tenaciously fought our corner, although it took a further 18 months to arrive at a successful conclusion.

Ironically, there was provision within these new rules that both staff and councillors appeared to be unaware of.

Strapped for cash as local councils are, people like Michael should not

be expected to bail them


He is bringing back into use much needed housing. How many years have the old court house, police station and post office stood empty?

Denis Lee

via email


Tackling poverty

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From everyone at CAFOD, we want to say a massive thank you to everyone in Lancashire who fundraised over £50,000, fasted and stood in solidarity with communities around the world this Lent.

Thanks to the efforts of local community groups, and the UK Government – which will match every pound donated up to £5m until May 12 – we will be able to help communities fight malnutrition.

Local fundraising has helped to ensure that an estimated 245,000 people in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Eritrea can grow a better future by having access to safe water, the seeds to plant vegetable gardens and knowledge to make sure the whole community has good nutrition and hygiene practices. The next time the rains are late, families will be able to cope because they now have access to drought-resistant crops.

None of this would be possible without the local action in Lancashire. Together, we have shown we are serious about tackling poverty and injustice so everyone can reach their full potential.

Patrick Gardner

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Community Participation Coordinator, CAFOD Lancaster Volunteer Centre


Missing letter T

I heartily agree with M Whitehead’s letter (LP Letters, March 20). Yes! The letter T is disappearing.

Quite well-known personalities on radio and TV are guilty of omi*ing the T.

It doesn’t seem to ma**er if the person has had the opportuni*y to attend universi*y.

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I pity anyone from foreign parts wanting to learn the English language, only to find that things here are pronounced quite differently.


And don’t get me going about using the letter “F” instead of “TH” as in firty-free (33). If they start a sentence with the words “I fought.....” have they been thinking or have they been in a fight?

Mrs P Wren



Let’s consider something new

Criminalising drugs does nothing more than force the production, quality control and profits into the hands of organised crime. It doesn’t stop people wanting them, or people supplying them.

There is no price control.

Essentially the outcome is further criminality to feed the habit.

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At least with cigarettes and alcohol, the vast majority is taxed, therefore providing funds to the NHS and police service to tackle any follow-on problems.

We’ve had a war on drugs for as long as anyone cares to remember. It isn’t working, we’re losing the battle every day. Why not consider something new?

Ted Phil Turner

via email


Well worth a visit to see art

The painting of the beach at Deauville by Eugene Boudin, at Harris Art Gallery, is well worth a visit.

Boudin inspired Monet’s impressionism.

There is paper on a table to encourage you to write poetry.

I thought perhaps this might spoil the pleasure of just viewing his painting, but it does make you look more closely at Boudin’s painting and appreciate the smaller details – the sandy impressions, the seascape, the story unfolding to lose ourselves in the painting – and to tell the story in words.

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