There's trouble ahead for Theresa May

1995 library filer of Chris Moncrieff. Photo by Peter Smith/PA1995 library filer of Chris Moncrieff. Photo by Peter Smith/PA
1995 library filer of Chris Moncrieff. Photo by Peter Smith/PA
Don't be fooled by the array of smiling faces in photographs of the cabinet at work in 10 Downing Street.

Because all is not as it seems.

Beneath the cheery exterior simmers some unrest which could develop into something more serious.

Take the Prime Minister’s bold decision on the extra runway at Heathrow Airport.

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You may bitterly disagree with this decision – many people do – but at least she has had the courage to reach a decision that her predecessors have all managed to dodge.

However, the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has publicly said this decision is “undeliverable”. And as we all know, Boris is a formidable opponent.

Justine Greening, Education Secretary, has also registered opposition.

Somebody said the other day that it is just as well Plane Stupid were not around in Victorian times otherwise we would have had no trains.

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There are Tory opponents too to the high speed rail link (HS2).

And what with Brexit on top of all that, it is beginning to look like trouble ahead for Theresa.

Why has the Labour Party leadership seemingly turned its back on Hilary Benn?

Jeremy Corbyn sacked him from the shadow cabinet for alleged disloyalty.

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But Benn is without doubt 
one of the most striking and effective members of the opposition.

And if ever an official opposition party was in need of someone of Benn’s calibre it is this one, which is so badly led and, quite frankly, a shambles.

There are already plenty of people in the shadow cabinet who could not touch Benn for political ability and whose own allegiance is questionable.

Is it perhaps the case that Corbyn is afraid Benn will mount 
a leadership coup to dislodge 

But if Benn wanted to mount a leadership challenge – which I think is highly unlikely – he is a much bigger danger to Corbyn on the back benches than within the front bench team.