Do you recognise this dog found collapsed in a Lancashire road?

This abandoned dog has been named Willow by the RSPCAThis abandoned dog has been named Willow by the RSPCA
This abandoned dog has been named Willow by the RSPCA | other
RSPCA inspectors have appealed for helping in tracing the owners of a dog spotted collapsed on a Lancashire street.

The female German shepherd type was emaciated, her fur matted and covered in faeces when she was seen by a passing motorist.

The member of the public who was driving by spotted her on Pleckgate Road, Blackburn, just before midnight on Thursday, January 30, moments before she collapsed.

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They put her into their car, before flagging a passing police officer down who took the dog to an emergency vets.

RSPCA inspector Demi Hodby said: “This poor dog was in a shocking state. She was unable to stand when she got to the vets and put straight on a drip.

“She was covered in faeces so it looks like she has probably been confined in her own filth for some time before she was found.

“She had a slip lead around her neck which looked like it didn’t belong to her, so I think someone may have attempted to catch her previously.”

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The dog - who has been named Willow - was transferred to RSPCA Greater Manchester Animal Hospital for several days of hospitalisation before being moved to an RSPCA animal centre.

But her condition has deteriorated today and she has been moved back to GMAH.

She is described as around four years old and was microchipped as a puppy, but investigations have not led to her current owner.

Demi said: “I’m appealing for anyone who recognises her and has any specific information about who she was living with to get in touch with me.

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“This dog was in a really bad way. She was very lucky to have been spotted and picked up when she was but clearly she is not out of the woods yet and I’m keeping everything crossed that she’ll be okay.

“If you know who owned her please call the RSPCA inspector appeal line on 0300 123 8018 and ask to leave a message for me.”