LOCAL ELECTIONS 2019: Full Lancaster City Council results

The count under way in Lancaster.The count under way in Lancaster.
The count under way in Lancaster.
Labour has lost overall control of Lancaster City Council as the Morecambe Bay Independents made a massive impact in the local elections.

Thursday's local elections saw Labour win 21 seats, the Conservatives 12, the Green Party 10 with 14 Morecambe Bay Independents and three Lib Dems.

The result means Lancaster City Council has no overall control, with Labour the largest party.



Anthony Forbes Anderson (MBI) 827 ELECTED

Stephie Cathryn Barber (Cons) 721 ELECTED

Jonathan James Buckley (Green) 178

Charles Edwards (Cons) 708

Callum Thomas Henry (Labour) 406

Sean Michael Hughes (Green) 141

Sarah Elizabeth Knight (MBI) 800 ELECTED