New demolition plan for fire-wrecked Barton pub at centre of community campaign

An aerial shot of the fire in JulyAn aerial shot of the fire in July
An aerial shot of the fire in July
A fire-ravaged pub could soon be razed to the ground if a controversial new application gets the green light.

Barton NWL Properties Ltd say the former Boars Head pub in Garstang Road is in a “structurally dangerous condition” since a suspected arson attack in July, and want to redevelop the plot for housing.

>>> Click here to see pictures of the fire

Locals have lodged a long-running campaign to save the building from the wrecking ball and a previous application to demolish the building was withdrawn last year after it emerged Preston Council were minded to refuse the application.

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>>>Click here to read about the last time demolition plans were launched

The Council had listed the former pub as an Asset of Community Value, but this decision was reversed in a review in December 2018.

As the building no longer benefits from formal protection, and has suffered significant fire damage, the owners say a residential re-development “is the only possible outcome for the site”, and with an estimated rebuild cost of more than £1.4m. there is “no realistic prospect of a developer undertaking development of the site as a public house or other community facility.”

A post-fire survey states the building is in “an extremely poor and structurally dangerous condition” and should the cordoned-off site be entered, the property “could result in injury or death given the serious risk of further collapse”.

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There is also “grave concern” about the risk of disturbed asbestos containing material.

Several objections have been submitted to the council, and members of Facebook group Save The Boars Head at Barton have expressed concerns about distruption to the area and additional road congestion.

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