Woman attacked and robbed in Avenham Park

Avenham ParkAvenham Park
Avenham Park
A woman was attacked and robbed by three men as she made her way home through Avenham Park, Preston.

Police said at around 3.30am yesterday (Sunday, April 9), three men approached the 23-year-old woman as she walked through the park.

She suffered a cut to her face during the attack and had her handbag and purse stolen. She was later taken to hospital before being discharged after treatment.

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The three offenders are described as wearing dark clothing, with one male wearing a yellow and green hoody. All three are believed to have made off on bikes from the park.

Det Sgt Jerry Sturgess of Preston CID, said: “This appears to be a completely unprovoked attack.

“There is a chance that the persons responsible are known locally or have targeted this area by hanging around for some time beforehand.

“I urge anyone with any information at all to come forward.”

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Anyone with information about the incident or about the offenders can contact police on 101 quoting log reference 311 of April 9.

Alternatively, they can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at Crimestoppers-uk.org. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

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