Time and time again

1440: Collection of Time1440: Collection of Time
1440: Collection of Time
Captured moments in time will be on display this evening and for the rest of the month in Preston.

Robina Llewellyn’s film 1440: Collection of Time will be screened on four occasions at the Centre for Contemporary Art and Electronic Digital Arts Unit at UCLan.

The exhibition can be seen from 5.30pm until 8pm tonight, then from 2pm on both Saturday 23 and Sunday 24, from 1pm on both Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 and from 2pm on Saturday November 30.

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In May 2012 Robina began a project to collect an image of a clock for each minute of the day; equal to 1,440 images.

Her intention was to work with analogue photography and capture different clocks in various locations; each image a moment in space and time that would not come again.

Robina says: “Building an archive of this scale and range was exciting and in particular the aspect of recording or marking my own position at various times and locations.”

As the project has progressed the act of stopping and experiencing time passing has become important, the artist says. She also began to shoot footage of the timepieces.

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“My work is driven by a desire to explore the immediate worlds I inhabit. It is a way of saying ‘this is what was there while I was there’.

“To film for a full minute, is to step out of the norm for a portion of time. You begin to notice small details that might otherwise pass by.”

For more information go to robinallewellyn.blogspot.co.uk/

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