Bamber Bridge paedophile borrowed someone else's laptop - but forgot to empty recycling bin.

Adam HoggAdam Hogg
Adam Hogg
A woman has spoken of her shock after finding an indecent image of a child on her laptop

Adam Hogg, of Mounsey Road, Bamber Bridge, near Preston, borrowed the laptop a month earlier and, unknown to the woman, used it to download the moving image, Preston Crown Court was told.

The 52-year-old defendant has pleaded guilty to making an indecent image of a child.

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Hogg, who is understood to have worked for a food distribution company, forgot to delete it from the recycling bin.

Adam HoggAdam Hogg
Adam Hogg

The woman, a mum from Bamber Bridge who does not wish to be named, found the distressing video in the recycling bin on her laptop.

Today she branded Hogg a “disgusting vile man”.

She said: “ The videos were found on a laptop that he had borrowed and returned, which then got handed to the police.

“ It’s not just about identifying the perpetrators, but identifying and supporting victims too, both online and in person.

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“It’s not just a video, that’s someone’s child, someone being completely humiliated for the rest of their lives, living in shame, knowing that video is lost in cyberspace and could crop back up at any time. The victim’s life is ruined.

“ The victim of this crime isn’t just the child in the videos, it’s the child’s family and the perpetrator’s family, children, grandchildren, their friends - all humiliated and ashamed because of the actions of one selfish disgusting person.”

Preston Crown Court was told the woman reported to the police on March 22 last year that she had found indecent moving images of a child on her laptop, after lending it to the defendant, who is known to her family.

A probe was launched and investigators found he had downloaded the same video six times over a period between between September 2016 and February 14, 2017.

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Judge Beverley Lunt imposed a community order with a 25 day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offender’s register for five years.

The court made a sexual harm prevention order.