Pensioner tied up, beaten and robbed in his own home

The attack took place in Glenbranter Avenue in InceThe attack took place in Glenbranter Avenue in Ince
The attack took place in Glenbranter Avenue in Ince
Police are searching for two men after an 85-year-old man was tied up, beaten and robbed in his own home.

Sometime between 2am and 3.10am on Wednesday 19 June 2019, two men broke into a house on Glenbranter Avenue in Ince, Wigan.

The men, who were both white, in their 30s and of slim build managed to get access to the house via an open window. One was wearing a black covering over his face and the other wore a silk stocking over his head. They both spoke with what is believed to be a St Helens accent.

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The victim had a knife held to his throat and was tied up during the burglary. He was assaulted repeatedly as the men ransacked his home and finally made off with cash, cigarettes and alcohol.

The attack took place in Glenbranter Avenue in InceThe attack took place in Glenbranter Avenue in Ince
The attack took place in Glenbranter Avenue in Ince

Police were called when the man managed to untie himself some time later. He was taken to hospital for treatment for his injuries.

An investigation has now been launched and police are appealing for anyone who may have any information that could help the investigation to get in touch.

DC Brian Johnston of GMP’s Wigan Division said: “This is a shocking incident which has left a vulnerable 85-year-old man in hospital and terrified to go back to his own home.

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“We believe the man was targeted, the men knew he was elderly but they still attacked with the same level of violence.

“I can’t comprehend how people can do this.

“Hopefully the man will make a swift recovery from his injuries and will be able to return to his home.

“I would like to hear form anyone who may have any information that could help with our enquiries, even if it is really small, it could really help us piece together the puzzle.

“The men who subjected the victim to this attack and robbery are obviously not afraid to cross the line, so we need to find them before they start to consider possibly crossing the line again.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact police on 0161 856 7957 alternatively call 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.