Garden waste charge gets green light

Brown bin collectionBrown bin collection
Brown bin collection
A decision to bring in garden waste charges in South Ribble has been ratified by cabinet members.

It means that from April 1, 2018, households in the borough will pay £30 annually for each brown bin to be collected.

The decision was part of March’s budget, but council leader Peter Mullineaux promised “all alternatives” to make up a budget shortfall would be explored before bringing in the charge.

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Yesterday Coun Mullineaux said it has been “an extremely difficult decision for members to make”.

He added: “However, due to Lancashire County Council withdrawing almost £1m of funding that supports the collection of green waste in South Ribble, we have sadly been left with no choice but to introduce these charges.

“They will come into effect from April 1, 2018 and until then all green waste collections will continue as normal.

“We will contact each household before the end of the year to fully explain the changes and how it will impact on residents.

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“South Ribble is one of the last councils in the county to announce these charges and we remain absolutely committed to delivering excellent services which represent real value for money for our taxpayers.”