Readers' lessons - January 1

Do you think Nick Clegg deserves a knighthood?Do you think Nick Clegg deserves a knighthood?
Do you think Nick Clegg deserves a knighthood?
Clegg's knighthood takes the biscuit

So it looks like Nick Clegg is to be handed a knighthood in the New Year honours list.

Is this the same Mr Clegg who brought the downfall of the Lib Dem party when he put his personal ambition before his party and went into a coalition government as Deputy Prime Minister with David Cameron?

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Is this same Mr Clegg who refuses to accept the vote of the British people to leave the EU, who indeed has stated that we should have a second referendum on the final Brexit deal (which he will oppose whatever deal we agree)?

Who blamed elderly people for the leave result and hopes that, should there be a second vote, that many of us elderly voters will have “died off”?

Mr Clegg swayed a good number of voters who voted to leave, using the reasoning that if he thought staying in the EU would be good for Britain, it more than likely wasn’t.

The British people remember other statements made by him over the years: “We should change our currency to the euro”, “there are no plans by the European Union to form a European army”, “if elected, tuition fees will not increase” and so the list goes on.

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There have been a few people over the years who many of us have said “how did he/she get that?” but giving a knighthood to Nick Clegg takes the biscuit.

Geoff Holloran

Address supplied


Make passports in this country

Jacob Rees-Mogg says the new navy passports must be made in Britain when we leave the hated EU.

The contract, under EU law, must be put out to tender for all member states.

The UK Government must do what all EU countries have done in the past by favouring their own tender over all the others.

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Britain has always played fair, obeying all EU rules to the letter.

Other countries only

obey the rules if it suits


David Cameron gave a £3bn contract to Germany’s company Siemens instead of Canada’s Bombardier, based in Derby.

His feeble excuse was that his hands were tied under EU rules.

It was always the same with Cameron, when the EU said “jump”, Dave always said “how high?”

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Theresa May must be more like Thatcher and put her own country first and make sure our passports are British-made.

Terry Watson

Address supplied


Distinct sign

News that British passports will return to having blue covers after Brexit is music to my ears.

I will be delighted to get rid of the burgundy passport we have been lumbered with since 1988 as members of the European Union.

As well as the new one being more secure, it will be

a distinct sign to show we have regained our independence and can proudly hold our heads up as UK citizens.

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While the Brexit talks are taking longer than we had hoped for and there is much still to be ironed out, we are nevertheless heading towards the exit and the passport news is another step on that overdue journey.

Paul Nuttall


North West UK

Independence Party


Proud of our royal family

Re: Life on Tapp (LP December 6). Dear Blaise, I’m a Royalist, there’s more of us than you. The Queen has led the country for many years with respect throughout the world.

Harry has lived his life with his mother’s death continuously used as media fodder (she would be proud).

He has met the beautiful partner who is strong enough to stand at his side and, in her own right, cares about others, as he does daily. Bring it all on.

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On a lighter note Blaise, do not expect an invitation to the Invictus games where so much respect is given back to those who have given more than “you or I”.

Prince Harry did it.

William Gilson



BBMS buses live on today

Regarding Neil Swindlehurst’s and Errol H Simister’s letters in recent editions of the LP, I can confirm that BBMS buses live on today and can be seen in service, courtesy of Cumbria Classic Coaches of Ravenstonedale.

They (two double deckers) are often working.

The 571 Monday runs from Brough via Tebay to Kendal and the 570 runs Thursdays from Ravenstonedale to Kendal via Shap and Orton.

I’ve also seen them at Penrith Bus Station on Tuesdays.

Roger Phillips


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