A letter from the editor on VE Day

A four-legged friend shows his support for VE Day.A four-legged friend shows his support for VE Day.
A four-legged friend shows his support for VE Day.
Seventy five years ago, the United Kingdom changed forever.

On VE Day our nation began to leave behind fear, uncertainty and conflict and stepped into a new era of hope, reunion and prosperity.

It was a day for celebration. Across the country, the streets came alive with bunting, food, flags and people; we were united in joy.

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Today, we pause with respect and honour to remember the huge sacrifices made in the Second World War by the people of Lancashire and their loved ones.

Today, we are facing difficult times again and it is likely that we will have to make some tough decisions in the months ahead. But that is when we are at our best.

During the darkest of days, we pull together as a community and a country to face a common threat.

Today, as then, we have rediscovered that spirit and we will need to sustain it in the days and months to come.

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Sadly, we cannot take to the streets to remember VE Day today and many of the celebrations planned have had to be cancelled because of the new threat that we face.

But we will all be remembering those who lost their lives in the Second World War and conjuring up the spirit of the time to support us now.