Buckshaw Village hairdresser's stylish way to help make children smile

Buckshaw Village hairdresser Gemma Brown has been making children smile by hanging 10 colourful braids on trees for them to take home for free.Buckshaw Village hairdresser Gemma Brown has been making children smile by hanging 10 colourful braids on trees for them to take home for free.
Buckshaw Village hairdresser Gemma Brown has been making children smile by hanging 10 colourful braids on trees for them to take home for free. | ugc
A Buckshaw Village hairdresser has been making children smile by hanging 10 colourful braids on trees for them to take home for free.

Gemma Brown decided to use up her leftover hair braiding material to keep herself busy during lock-down and began making the hair accessories in April.

She said: “Parents have said to me that it’s making their kids’ days and that they’re really happy. It’s really humbling.

“They say they’ve been taking selfies and Tik Toking with them in, and that they’re going to bed with them in or putting them back in first thing in the morning.”