Ribchester footballers fear for future after vandal attack at club

Some of the damage at Ribchester Football Club pavilion.Some of the damage at Ribchester Football Club pavilion.
Some of the damage at Ribchester Football Club pavilion.
A break in at the home of amateur football club, Ribchester Rovers has left them fearing for the future after items were stolen and damage caused to the pavilion.

Situated on the village’s recreation ground, the incident took place between Saturday, May 6 and Monday, May 8 and the club is now appealing for anyone who may know anything about it to come forward and speak to Longridge police on 101 or 01772 209583, ref EG1703048. The cost is estimated to run into hundreds of pounds.

Damage was caused to a recently purchased ride-on mower, windows and the dugout, the inside of the pavilion was vandalised, irreplaceable photos charting the club’s history were defaced and footballs stolen.

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Ribchester Rovers FC is home to more than 80 players who range in age from under six through to adult and the incident could not have come at a worse time.

Chairman Chris Byrne was taking his little girl to the rec when he noticed equipment outside the pavilion and went to investigate.

He said: “It is an old shed and we have been fundraising for 12 years to try and get it replaced.

“Old photos have been damaged. They have got hold of the line paint and painted the walls and graffitied them with permanent marker.

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“They have been through all the drawers and emptied them on the floor. It is mindless really.

“We had some plans passed for a new pavilion but we have not got the funds for it so we are fundraising constantly.

“This has happened quite a few times and it is throwing money away trying to keep the old one as secure as possible. It is very frustrating.

“It is hard enough running a club. We rely on volunteers and every bit of money is generated through subs and scrimping.”

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Chris would like to thank everyone for their messages of support and offers of help since the incident.

“Brilliant to see the community come together in a time of need,” he added.

The club has set up a GoFundMe page in an attempt to keep them afloat. Any donations would be gratefully received and any remaining funds will go towards the new pavilion. Donations can be made at https://www.gofundme.com/ribchester-football-pavilion-fund.

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