Almost half of UK adults have described a property viewing as “disgusting”-due to filthy carpets, dirty dishes in the sink and the smell of cats

The study of 2,000 adults also found clutter and mess are among the most off putting things when looking at a potential new home.

It also emerged baking bread, making fresh coffee, and hiding all evidence of pets are among the tricks of the trade landlords use to catch the eye of the potential 4.5 million households who rent through the private sector in the UK.

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But the most popular ways to present a home in the most attractive light were also among the simplest - vacuum everything, ensure the house is tidy and declutter.

In fact, the average adult spends an average of 70 minutes cleaning and tidying a home before a viewing.

In a bid to call an end to less-than-perfect viewings, a campaign has launched showing Brits how to stage their home perfectly for wannabe renters and buyers.

Here to help

Online lettings portal Mashroom - which lets landlords and tenants upload video trailers of their property - has created a series to show people how to make the perfect first impression.

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Over four bitesize episodes, interior designer Mo Vernon gives tips on how to stage your home and shoot the perfect showcase video in order to attract renters.

Mashroom commissioned the series after a survey of 2,000 UK adults revealed the horrors that turn them away from putting an offer in on a home.

The research also highlights the dangers of not putting together a good selection of photos or a video for people to view online.

Three quarters of those polled said it is important to have a good video of the property before they go to see it.

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First impressions mean everything

Worryingly, 56 per cent admitted they had been put off a property before they've viewed it because of the pictures taken of the inside.

But 31 per cent would be happy to judge a property based only on a video viewing provided it gave a good impression of what the property is like.

The new series accompanying the research findings is a step-by-step guide on how to film your home looking amazing.

Episode 1 focuses on the principles championed by decluttering pioneer Marie Kondo, encouraging you to get rid of magazines, pick up rogue socks, plump the cushions and pack away the cereal boxes.

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