Kind firm helps Preston theatre company

Claire MooreClaire Moore
Claire Moore
A Preston theatre company that faced cancelling gigs over the festive period after being targeted by thieves has been kept afloat through the generosity of supporters.

The founders of Certain Curtain, a touring theatre troupe, had £6,000 of equipment stolen from their van earlier this year in a devastating blow.

But a lighting and electrical equipment firm came to the rescue, loaning them kit to keep them on the road, while supporters are continuing with a fund-raising effort.

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Actor Claire Moore (pictured) said Welsh firm Eaton Zero 88, which is a long-term associate of her theatre company, stepped in to lend a helping hand.

She said: “We thought we were going to have to cancel bookings in the run up to Christmas –something we have never done in nearly 30 years. They have kindly loaned us the use of a lighting desk and dimmer packs to help us out whilst we try to raise funds to replace what we need. Their kindness certainly helps to restore our faith in humankind and has enabled us to perform to 1,000 people who we wouldn’t have been able to reach.”

Oyston Mill-based Certain Curtain has been touring for decades, performing thought-provoking dramatic pieces raising awareness of issues such as domestic violence.