Solicitor takes on series of marathons after 30 year hiatus to raise money for Fylde charity

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Lancashire solicitor Angela Vodden is putting her best foot forward after restarting running, following a 30-year hiatus.Angela, who has her own practice, AVAC Limited, a small construction law firm located in Preston, took part in the Blackpool Marathon, where the charity she is running for, One Fylde, is headquartered.

One Fylde, which is based at Whitehills Business Park, Blackpool, is a locally-focused, independent and community-led charity, providing person-centred support, accommodation and exciting enterprises for adults with learning disabilities and autism across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre.

Having also competed in the Coniston 14-Mile race in March, her focus is now turning to the main series of events, including:

· Darwen Triathlon on June 23rd

Marathon runner Angela in action.Marathon runner Angela in action.
Marathon runner Angela in action.

· The Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge in August

· The Great North Run in September

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· And the 3 Country Marathon – running through Germany, Austria and Switzerland – in October

All events are to raise money for One Fylde, which supports more than 230 individuals and provides employment for nearly 400 staff.

Angela and her partner Dave, with their dog, Indy.Angela and her partner Dave, with their dog, Indy.
Angela and her partner Dave, with their dog, Indy.

It offers a range of services and activities, including its own commercial recycling and gardening businesses, along with arts & crafts, as well as volunteering at local shops and enterprises, woodwork and even running the charity’s own radio station.

Angela said, “In my mid-20s, I began running, but as life became busier, I shifted my focus towards pursuing my PhD and advancing my career. This period was marked by numerous late-night meetings, project negotiations, and extensive travel commitments, leaving me no time for running.”

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It wasn’t until a remarkable 30 years later, just after the pandemic lockdown, that Angela finally dusted off her running shoes and resumed her passion for the sport.

The 3 Country Marathon in October will be Angela’s second full marathon, having completed half marathons for the past three years, including The Great North Run.

Fitness enthusiast Angela loves the outdoorsFitness enthusiast Angela loves the outdoors
Fitness enthusiast Angela loves the outdoors

She added, “It seems like the next normal step up, I’m really looking forward to the challenge.

“The reason I chose One Fylde is because I respect the work that they do, they are an awesome team, who give so much personally.

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“I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple of their team and I listen to their radio whenever I am able at work. The joy that they give and the inspiration that emits from their work is immeasurable.”

One Fylde CEO Tracey Bush said, “We’d like to say a huge thank you to Angela. Her endeavours are inspiring and encapsulate the values we hold dear at One Fylde of living the best life you possibly can.

“We wish Angela well in her marathon challenges and we’d like to thank her again for choosing to support One Fylde, it’s greatly appreciated by all the team.”

Angela has not yet set a benchmark for how much she aims to raise, but adds “I’d like to see what we raise from the first few events and then perhaps aspire to double it on the following events.

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“All donations are greatly received and the Just Giving link can either be found at engagement or directly at All donations will go directly to One Fylde, there will be no deductions for race costs,” she added.

Outside of work, Angela enjoys spending time outdoors with her partner, Dave, and their dog, Indy. The couple live in Preston.

Although both Angela and Dave are fitness enthusiasts, they prefer to train separately due to their different levels and paces. This allows them to pursue their individual fitness goals while still enjoying each other’s company.

While the main reason Angela got into running was to get fit, she said that “running also has many benefits, including being cheaper on a day-to-day basis than joining a gym”.

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However, Angela is now a member of Nuffield Health Gym in Preston, where she spends time practicing her swimming, she also has a very knowledgeable personal trainer, Paul Game of PGPT.

She explained, “Paul is an excellent coach with a military background, which keeps me on my toes. This helps me to keep pushing to the next level, like taking on a marathon. Paul is giving his time free for the cause too.”

One Fylde supports people with learning disabilities and autism by providing them with work-based learning opportunities. As well as many programmes, the charity also runs a number of enterprises, two of which are based at Queensway Park Farm in St Annes.

Its Gardening group offers garden maintenance to homes and businesses across the Fylde Coast, while the One Fylde Recycling Team provides regular cardboard, paper, textiles, soft plastics and metal collections from local businesses across Blackpool and the Fylde.

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They collect between 5 and 8 tonnes each week, with businesses making a suggested donation. The bailed products are then sold onto a recycling company to raise funds.

“We endeavour to do good wherever we can and we empower our supported individuals to make meaningful contributions and gain life experiences,” said One Fylde chair David Stanhope. “And demonstrate the outstanding contribution that people with learning disabilities and autism can make to their community.

“The activities are a great springboard for supporting people into employment, as members learn about time-keeping, health and safety, responsibility, team work, relationships and skills, such as using different forms of equipment, like gardening tools, lawn mowers, power washers, a bailing machine and other implements in partnership with Myerscough College.

“We provide services to local businesses and people within the community, showing people with learning disabilities in a positive light and reducing the stigma sometimes associated with the people we support. By using our friendly service, you are supporting One Fylde and the people we support.”

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If you are a business and would like your cardboard, paper or soft plastics collected, please ring Recycling on 07532 148908.

“This is part of our strategy to contribute to the wellbeing of everyone who is part of One Fylde, and to ensure that they are treated with respect and enabled to live the best life possible, with assistance from our wonderful support workers,” explained Tracey.

If you would like to make a donation to support One Fylde, please go to