I don't remember these being taken! 21 old school throwback retro pics of 1990s Preston teachers

What better way to cast your mind back to you school days than by taking a trip back in time to pay homage to some of Preston’s educators from a different generation.

With 1990s students these days likely dropping their own kids off at school of a morning, here’s a chance to indulge in a spot of nostalgia with our collection of archive retro pictures of influential Preston teachers from the ‘90s, all of whom will have undoubtedly shaped the lives of countless budding Prestonians.

As reader Jane Higham says: “Wow! That's a blast from the past! Don't even remember that being taken!”

We all had a favourite teacher – is yours pictured? Take a look...

Also, if you’re in the mood for some retro nostalgia, be sure not to miss these recent pieces...