10 South Ribble and Chorley neighbourhoods ranked from the highest proportion to lowest. Image by Katarzyna Bulas from Pixabay10 South Ribble and Chorley neighbourhoods ranked from the highest proportion to lowest. Image by Katarzyna Bulas from Pixabay
10 South Ribble and Chorley neighbourhoods ranked from the highest proportion to lowest. Image by Katarzyna Bulas from Pixabay

Overcrowding Lancashire: recent census results reveal top 10 most overcrowded neighbourhoods in South Ribble and Chorley

Nearly 1500 homes in South Ribble and Chorley are overcrowded, new census data shows.

They are among more than one million households across England and Wales with fewer bedrooms than they need, with the national figure barely changing from the previous census a decade before.

Overcrowded homes are those with fewer bedrooms than needed for the number of occupants. For instance, anyone over 16 or single parents are expected to need their own bedroom, whilst couples living together, pairs of children under 10 or same-sex pairs of children under 16 are assumed to be able to share a room.

In South Ribble, 652 houses were overcrowded at the time of the 2021 census, and 756 in Chorley, representing 1.43% of all homes across the two areas.

This number is lower than the national picture, where 4.4% of English homes are overcrowded, and the Preston picture where 2364 houses were (4%), according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics.

Below are the top 10 most overcrowded neighbourhoods in South Ribble and Chorley neighbourhoods, ordered from those with the highest proportion to the least.

In South Ribble, 652 houses were overcrowded at the time of the 2021 census, and 756 in Chorley, representing 1.43% of all homes across the two areas.