Will Theresa May get her own way on Brexit?

1995 library filer of Chris Moncrieff. Photo by Peter Smith/PA1995 library filer of Chris Moncrieff. Photo by Peter Smith/PA
1995 library filer of Chris Moncrieff. Photo by Peter Smith/PA
Theresa May is brandishing her iron-clad fist to demonstrate her resolve to ensure Brexit is achieved despite the increasing number of obstacles littering her path.

The Prime Minister is sternly warning MPs not to tie her hands in her bid to ensure that the will of the millions who secured a majority to leave the European Union in the June 23 referendum is honoured.

Good for her.

Nor is she being put off by the ruling of High Court judges that Parliament must be first consulted before Brexit is allowed to go ahead. This, admittedly, is a considerable setback, but let us not forget that it was Parliament that authorised the referendum, so you might have thought Westminster had already given its blessing on the outcome, whether for or against quitting Europe.

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This is not, however, the case. But it seems unfair that the declared wish by a substantial majority of voters to adopt a certain course can be frustrated in this way. The Remainers do not seem capable of accepting the simple truth, as once enunciated by Sir Winston Churchill, that one vote is enough.

So Theresa May is having a lot of brickbats hurled in her direction, including some from her own side. She will need all the weapons available in her political armoury to ensure the will of 52 per cent of the people is achieved.

But she is embarking on this task with an impressive spirit and even defiance. As a last resort she could order an early general election.

Let it not be forgotten either that Theresa May was a Remainer during the referendum campaign, although she did not shout it from the rooftops.

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Which makes it all the more commendable that she is determined to see the outcome of the referendum implemented.

- Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg, who led his party to disaster at the last general election, reportedly says the “little people” who supported Brexit did not know what they were voting for in the June referendum. No wonder Parliament and Parliamentarians are in such low repute when people like Clegg can dismiss the views of more than 17 million people without a second thought.