General election: Chorley candidates set out their stall in 'unique' contest

Chorley constituency candidates Chorley constituency candidates
Chorley constituency candidates | National World
With polling day looming on Thursday (4th July), the Lancashire Post has been taking a look at what the general election candidates in the Chorley constituency have been saying as voters prepare to make up their minds.

Boundary changes mean some parts of the Chorley seat have moved to within the South Ribble parliamentary patch – joining others that were already there. The whole of the Eccleston, Heskin and Charnock Richard ward is now in the South Ribble constituency.

Previously, only Eccleston was in the South Ribble voting area, while Heskin Green, Charnock Green and Charnock Richard were all in the Chorley constituency.

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For the second election in a row, Chorley’s current MP is the Speaker of the House of Commons, putting the constituency in a unique position. The tradition is that the major parties do not contest the parliamentary seat held by the Speaker.

The Post offered each candidate whom we were able to reach the chance to make their pitch to the people of Chorley in 300 words – or, alternatively, gathered together campaign material that they had already published.  This is what they had to say (in alphabetical order):

BEN HOLDEN-CROWTHER (Democracy for Chorley) 

Ben Holden-CrowtherBen Holden-Crowther
Ben Holden-Crowther | National World

“Chorley gets a very bad deal at this election and the most meaningless vote in the entire country. You deserve better!

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“It’s no secret that I am not from Chorley. However, since nobody in the constituency is standing to change the idiotic system forced upon you, I have decided to provide a protest vote to frustrated Chorley residents who want meaningful democracy.

“Voters in Chorley must be able to exercise their democratic rights at general elections like everyone else. They should choose a candidate based on their political priorities and not be forced to appoint a referee for MPs, selected in Westminster, who does not need a constituency seat to perform their role.

“If elected, I will immediately trigger a by-election where you can vote for proper political parties in a real election. If I win or come in a strong second place, Parliament will be forced to close the loophole making the constituency with the Speaker a democratic blackspot.

“The Speaker can become an office not requiring a constituency; this is easy to implement. If Lindsay Hoyle continues as Speaker, Chorley will get a bonus Lancashire voice in Parliament. It’s clear that this is a better deal than Chorley currently gets.

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“I greatly respect Lindsay Hoyle, but it’s frustrating to see him ignore this issue and make no attempt to encourage Parliament to change the rules. With a taxpayer-funded salary over £156,000, Chorley voters have the right to expect that Lindsay Hoyle defends their right to fair elections, yet this has not taken place and their concerns have been ignored.

“Your vote for Democracy for Chorley communicates clearly to our parliament that the current set-up is unacceptable and that Chorley is fed up with being the grey bit on the electoral map without a voice at this important election.”

SIR LINDSAY HOYLE (Speaker seeking re-election)

Sir Lindsay HoyleSir Lindsay Hoyle
Sir Lindsay Hoyle | National World

“It has been a privilege to represent the residents of Chorley as your Member of Parliament. As someone who was born and bred in Chorley, I am passionate about getting the very best outcomes for our local community.

“I continue to represent the people of Chorley with a fully staffed office, holding regular advice surgeries, and working with the council, businesses and voluntary groups.

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“Being the Speaker of the House of Commons is a true honour. But being the Speaker has a direct benefit for Chorley as I have even greater access to senior ministers and I will continue to use this influence to ensure that the interests of our local community are promoted at the heart of government.

“I remain committed to championing our local community. Most recently I have:

***successfully lobbied for a new hospital with the retention of our existing hospital at Chorley. This follows my efforts to secure the partial re-opening of our A&E;

***campaigned to protect railway ticket offices at Chorley, Buckshaw and Adlington and lobbying for a new railway station in Coppull;

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***worked with Chorley Council to attract new business to our borough, creating hundreds of new jobs – in addition to securing the new cyber centre in Lancashire, which will create thousands of highly skilled jobs in the area;

***successfully lobbied for £20m Levelling Up bid for town centre redevelopment;

***worked to protect our environment with the Woodland Trust, council and local groups to create a ‘green lung’ for Chorley by planting more trees and improving air quality.

If re-elected, I will commit to working on local priorities such as the need for a new high school, protect our green spaces from unnecessary housing development, improve transport links and ensure local people can access jobs. I hope that you will use your vote to support me on 4th July.”

GRAHAM MOORE (English Constitution Party)

(via party website)

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Graham MooreGraham Moore
Graham Moore | unknown

“Our manifesto is the law of the land and English Constitutional Statutes which protect your inalienable rights. When you elect an English Constitution Party candidate, you elect an individual who solely represents their constituents.

“We are the only party that supports and campaigns for:

***void all unconstitutional European laws. Not repeal, void;

***independence and self-determination for England;

***protecting the most vulnerable in society;

***raise state pensions equal to the National Living Wage;

***reduce the retirement age;

***stop the state funding of wars;

***lawful immigration and secure borders;

***supporting local economies and independent businesses;

***keeping cash – no more card-only tills;

***improving infrastructure and public services.

​MARTIN POWELL-DAVIES (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)

(via campaign website and video)

Martin Powell-Davies, TUSC candidate in ChorleyMartin Powell-Davies, TUSC candidate in Chorley
Martin Powell-Davies, TUSC candidate in Chorley

“My campaign demands include:

***fully fund our NHS, schools and all our public services – stop privatisation, fight the health cuts in Lancashire threatened by the New Hospitals Programme;

***build the council homes we need – legislate for rent control, security and decent housing standards for all;

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***stop the genocide in Gaza – for an MP who will speak out for a permanent ceasefire, not one who bends to the demands of big business and their parties;

***renationalise energy, transport, water and other privatised utilities under democratic workers’ control. Invest in ‘green jobs’ to solve the climate crisis;

***for real workers’ rights – for inflation-proof pay rises, for a £15-an-hour minimum wage. Repeal the anti-trade union laws. Ban zero-hour contracts, and ‘fire and rehire’;

***a real future for young people – free education, with grants – not loans – real training or apprenticeships, not ‘national conscription’.

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“Trade unionists, socialists, community campaigners, people fighting for an end to genocide in Gaza or an end to cuts in the NHS – we’re all happy to see the Tories receive the drubbing that they deserve on 4th July. But the question for campaigners in every constituency is, how do we make our demands heard in the general election?

“Will voters have the choice of being able to vote for an MP that will stand firm against war, against inequality, against cuts and privatisation. And, sadly, we know that that’s not a choice that’s going to be on offer from a government led by Keir Starmer.

“On Palestine, on NHS privatisation, on workers rights. Starmer’s Labour has already been found wanting – and in Chorley, it’s even harder for campaigners’ voices to be heard, because Lindsay Hoyle has built himself a comfortable parliamentary career as the Speaker.”

​MARK TEBBUT (Green Party)

Mark TebbuttMark Tebbutt
Mark Tebbutt | Green Party

“Many people feel like they’ve had their vote taken away as Labour, Tories and Lib Dems

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chose not to stand against the Speaker, but we will make sure you have another option and can have a say on who speaks for Chorley.

“I am Chorley born and bred. I am a passionate campaigner for improving air quality across the Chorley borough, installing 11 air pollution monitors and lobbying Chorley council to monitor particulate air pollution since 2017.  I previously ran a campaign to bring broadband to Brinscall and the surrounding villages for the first time.

“With more Green MPs in the next Parliament what you’ll get is real hope and real change.  Green MPs will push the next government for bold action on the big challenges our country faces.

“Free healthcare is a fundamental principle held dear by people up and down the country and we would make sure the NHS is funded properly so that everybody can see a dentist and doctor when they need one.

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“We will make the tax system fairer so that we can afford to invest in the people who work in our hospitals and surgeries, bringing down waiting lists so people don’t miss out on life-saving operations.

“People know they can trust the Greens to offer real hope on climate and nature. Real change means not cosying up to the fossil fuel lobby and not abandoning commitments on climate targets.”

“Chorley Green Party has been working hard locally in recent years, pressing the Council to address residents’ concerns such as litter, graffiti, and the state of Chorley’s roads. Our team of committed volunteers work all year round for our local area – not just during election time.”

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