Share your ideas with the vehicle museum on what transport will look like in the future

Leyland Motors during the warLeyland Motors during the war
Leyland Motors during the war
Have you ever thought about what transport will look like in the future?

The British Commercial Vehicle Museum in Leyland, which is currently undergoing a £2.5m redevelopment project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, wants to hear your ideas. It is also appealing for world war photographs for a new exhibition. Leyland Motors concentrated on building nearly 6,000 vehicles for the British forces in WWI. Near the end of WWII Leyland developed Centurion tanks.

Sue Hughes, development manager, said: “We would love you to create an illustration of what you think vehicles of the future might look like. There’s no age restriction on entries. All of those used in the exhibition will receive free admission to the museum. Please send your high resolution images of Leyland vehicles in World War I and II to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact, along with details of the subject of the photograph. If you would like to enter your drawing for the vehicles of the future section please either send your original to British Commercial Vehicle Museum, King Street, Leyland, PR25 2LE, or scan in and send a high resolution image to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact details. Unfortunately we are unable to return any original artwork.”

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